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Dialogue with Luigi Einaudi today, thanks to artificial intelligence

Starting today, on fondazioneeinaudi.it , you can chat or talk directly with Luigi Einaudi about his ideas on the economy, thanks to a virtual character created in his image and likeness. Bitmama has collaborated with two other Reply Group companies to create a digital human who looks like Luigi Einaudi and can answer questions in a way that reflects his philosophy and thoughts.

Machine Learning Reply customized the generative conversational model on Luigi Einaudi's writings. Infinity Reply brought the character to life by replicating key elements of his appearance and movements thanks to 3D real-time technologies. Then, Bitmama Reply oversaw the concept and the realization of the experience within the website, then of the launch campaign that is online via all digital channels and on the main national newspapers: a multi-subject based on some Luigi Einaudi's quotes able to strike for their topicality and still trigger reflections and debates.

This project is all for and thanks to Fondazione Luigi Einaudi, which, with this project, crowns the path begun in 2021 with the digitization of its historical archive, and thanks to the support of Fondazione Compagnia di San Paolo.

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